Report from the California Workforce Study

The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at University of California, Berkeley, has released their report on the CA Workforce study on early educator compensation.

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Grant Assistance Available for Lead Testing in Child Care Centers

Grant Assistance Available for Lead Testing

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Helping Shape the Nation's Strategy on Child Hunger

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Budget Response and Call to Action

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May Revised Budget Response from Parent Voices CA

California families were given great news in the Governor’s May Revised Budget ... [but] not one dollar has been proposed to address the wage crisis in the child care sector. Please sign our petition to bring financial security to our parents and child care providers.

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Listen to The Love Connection Podcast

This series explores child care providers' experiences with California's quality rating and improvement system (QRIS). Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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Survey of Feedback from Providers on Department of Social Services’ Minor Renovation and Repair Facility Grant

We want to hear about your experience with the recent CDSS Minor Renovation and Repairs grant! Please fill out our survey by Thursday, May 12 and you'll be entered to win a $100 Target gift card.

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CDSS COVID-19 Test Kits Flyers

CDSS and CDPH released new flyers about home testing for COVID-19 and reporting positive cases. Flyers are available in 14 different languages.

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Updated Guidance for the Use of Face Masks

PIN 22-10-CCP provides updated information about current public health recommendations regarding the use of face masks in licensed child care facilities and reminds providers about COVID-19 infection control guidance. In addition, this PIN announces updated guidance from the California Department of Public Health for all child care providers and programs.

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Network’s Response to the Governor’s Proposed FY 22-23 Budget

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