Promoting affordable, quality child care through research, education, policy, and advocacy

The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network (Network) is a non-profit membership organization of 58 local child care resource and referral agencies (R&R). For over four decades, we have been a leader in:

  • understanding the demographics of the state,
  • developing innovative partnerships with business and government, and
  • helping our members respond to changing economic, social, and family needs.

Along with our members, we raise a public voice for unmet child care needs at the local and state level. The Network has a unique and powerful role of listening to the varied needs of local communities and connecting this to policy advocacy. We partner with families, child care providers, members, and community leaders to ensure all children have the opportunity to learn and grow.

Vision: All families have access to family support and early childhood services that meet their diverse needs.

Mission: Advance and advocate for an equitable early childhood support system for all CA families by working at the intersection of research, programs, and policy in partnership with member R&Rs (Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies) and human service organizations statewide.

Equity Statement: In pursuit of social justice, and to improve outcomes for all families, children and child care providers, we work to combat prejudiced policies, practices, programs and structures within the child care system that perpetuate injustice toward any individual or group of individuals including but not limited to Black, Indigenous, Latine and People of Color, and related to economic, health or mental health status, sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression, disability, or religious beliefs.

Videos Explaining What an R&R is:
Explore five engaging and educational videos that delve into California's child care resource and referral system, produced by the California Child Care Resource and Referral Network. These videos emphasize equitable early childhood support and the vital role of local agencies in connecting families to quality child care options. Learn about the importance of parental choice, access to reliable information, and financial assistance, while discovering how agencies gather data to meet family needs. Resources for locating these agencies are provided at the end, along with acknowledgments to contributors and an invitation to enjoy the series.

Here are the YouTube links and a brief description of what they're about:

1. Introduction to the videos: you'll find out what this video series entails.

2. Founder Story: In this video, you'll hear the story of the beginnings of how R&Rs began and the people involved in this movement.

3. Parent Story: You'll discover what a Resource and Referral agency is and how they can be utilized.

4. Provider Story: Keeping connected to an R&R can help with ongoing professional development and provide encouragement.

5. Resource & Referral Story: Hear from an R&R in a rural area and one from a city and the different offerings they provide to parents and providers.