A few words from Linda
Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&Rs, or R&Rs) agencies are community-based programs located in every county in California. Over the last five decades, R&R services have evolved from a grassroots effort to help parents find child care, to a well-developed, publicly funded system that supports parents, providers, and local communities in identifying, growing, and strengthening affordable child care options for all. R&Rs often serve as the eyes, ears, and voice of their communities’ child care needs because of their daily contact with families with young children and child care providers. They serve as first hand witnesses to the incredible struggles working families and child care providers are faced with as they strive to balance raising the next generation of Californians with putting food on the table, being responsible employees, and running a business that has not only historically undervalued by society, but that must somehow survive despite ever-increasing costs of living.
We are deeply concerned with some of the sentiments expressed in the President’s most recent Speech to Congress. While the President boasts that one of his highest priorities is “to rescue our economy and get dramatic and immediate relief to working families,” his strategy involves “permanent income tax cuts across the board,” the imposition of tariffs on all products made outside of America, and an immediate freeze on all federal hiring, new federal regulations, and foreign aid. Together, these efforts support the richest one percent and corporations, shifting manufacturing and import costs onto consumers and threatening a broad range of federal programs proven to improve economic, health, and education outcomes for all. There was no mention of real relief such as bringing down the high cost of housing or food that touches the day-to-day lives of people. Stating he will “balance the US budget” and make tax cuts permanent only signals that many people will continue to struggle to make ends meet.
In contrast, we believe in shared prosperity, where everyone, regardless of their race, nation of origin, income level, gender, or religious belief, has opportunities to thrive. Often, this requires re-distributing resources so that those struggling to make ends meet can receive supports that prevent them from falling deeper into economic distress while benefiting everyone in this country. We reject efforts that demonize people, which only serve to separate communities, children, and families from one another. We believe our nation is stronger when we support each other and value each other equally.
The Network’s vision is that child care is recognized as a basic, universal public good, much like elementary education or healthcare. We know that investments in child care are felt across communities and are essential for working families, businesses, and children. To the extent that the President’s message indicates an intent to take away these vital social protections and support services, we stand ready to expose the true impact of federal actions, share on the ground community needs, and pressure our Representatives and Senators to reject policies and budget actions that will hurt our families and communities.