Updated CCIP Capacity Building Infographics
Read our brief overview of the Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) and a summary of CCIP's impact in supporting R&Rs to create more slots for home-based child care!
CCIP Capacity Building Infographics
Read our brief overview of the Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) and a summary of CCIP's impact in supporting R&Rs to create more slots for home-based child care!
Decline of Licensed Family Child Care Supply 2008-2017
California's licensed family child care home (FCCH) supply has been on a steady decline since 2008. FCCHs are important because they are more likely to offer flexible hours of care and are more affordable than center-based care, assisting working families struggling to make ends meet.
2019 Policy Agenda
Check out our policy agenda for 2019 to see our top advocacy priorities.
How a Bill Becomes a Law
This infographic shows a month-by-month overview of how a bill becomes a law in the California state legislature.