Voucher Utilization by Setting 2010-2018
Check out our charts that show the change in the total number of vouchers used in each child care setting and the percentage of vouchers going to each setting.
State Subsidized Child Care Payment Types
Learn about the two main categories of rate reimbursements for child care, Standard Reimbursement Rate (SRR) and Regional Market Rates (RMRs), and how their changes could affect the entire child care system.
Subsidized Child Care in California
California’s subsidized child care system reflects a strong state and federal investment in direct services to serve low-income children in California. These services are provided through a mix of state-contracted and voucher-based programs.
CalWORKs Child Care
California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids Act (CalWORKs), known federally as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), has a three stage child care system.