Throughout March and April, the Network helped members plan advocacy days in their districts, inviting legislators to tour offices, child care centers, and participate in local events.

In the past, R&R Advocacy Day happened once a year. R&Rs from across the state came together for a day in the Capitol, meeting with legislators and advocating for a wide range of child care issues.

This year, we decided to do things a little differently... In response to a projected budget deficit and legislative landscape, the Network encouraged R&Rs to showcase their impact firsthand. The goal was to not only help build R&Rs’ connections with legislators, deepen legislators' understanding of what R&Rs do and how they serve their communities, but also to build child care champions in a year when difficult decisions were needed.

This year’s advocacy efforts focused on preserving the child care budget, fulfilling the Governor's promise of reaching 200k child care slots by 2026-27, and advancing a rate methodology that reflects the true cost of care.

R&Rs’s incredible work resulted in contact with 22 legislators, covering 44% of the Women’s Caucus and 44% of the Senate and Assembly Full Budget Committees.

Thank you to everyone who contributed and participated in this year’s Advocacy Days.