Save the Date and join your peers for an amazing 2024 Joint Conference! The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network and Thriving Families CA are excited to announce that we will once again offer a joint conference in 2024 that has both an in-person and virtual option this Fall!

We are working with the Conference Committee to offer thoughtful, user-friendly options with keynote presentations, workshops, networking opportunities, and connection time with vendors.

For the in-person conference, we will once again be at the Double Tree Hotel in Sacramento. For those who prefer the conveniences that come with virtual attendance, we’ll have an option that is similar to the last four years. Regardless of the option that works best for your agency, we look forward to connecting, supporting and partnering with you!

Registration information, along with a preliminary conference program, will be released soon! At that time, online registration will be open, and attendees will be able to select from the in-person conference or the virtual conference. Those who register for the in-person option will also receive access to the virtual conference. The in-person option will be limited to 450.

When registration opens, all agencies will have an opportunity to register a limited number of people by a specific deadline. If spaces remain after the deadline they will be made available to interested agencies.

In Person Conference Details:

Date: October 28 - 30, 2024

Time: Monday at 1:00 p.m. to Wednesday at Noon

Location: Double Tree Hotel

2001 Point West Way, Sacramento, CA 95815

Cost: Early Bird
Member Agencies, 5 or more staff: $450

Member Agencies: $475

Non-Member Agencies: $650

Standard Rate

Member Agencies, 5 or more staff: $495

Member Agencies: $520

Non-Member Agencies: $700

Lodging: $179.00

Parking: $10.00

Virtual Conference Details:

Date: November 13 - 14, 2024

Time: Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. to Thursday at 4:30 p.m.

Cost: Member Agencies, 5 or more staff: $320
Member Agencies: $345
Non-Member Agencies: $485

Call for Presentations

Share your knowledge, engage, and inspire your peers! Deadline for Submissions: Friday, June 28, 2024


This year, the R&R Network and TFC Conference will be back in person AND we will offer a virtual option as well! We expect 950 individuals to attend this year’s joint conference, with 450 in-person and 500 virtually. Our attendees primarily come from the early care and education field including alternative payment programs, resource and referral programs, county welfare departments, and county offices of education. Attendees typically are public and private non-profit CEO’s, executives, subsidy child care administrators, family caseworkers, resource and referral counselors and trainers, food program administrators, and advocates.

Proposal Guidelines and Review

Because there are two options, you can choose to present at the in-person conference, at the virtual conference, or both! We welcome individual as well as joint proposals and we encourage creative interactive formats for presentations.

We thank you in advance for volunteering your time to present a workshop. We do not pay an honorarium for workshop presentations as nonprofit associations. Presenters must also cover their own travel and printing expenses. We will offer workshop handouts online.

Proposals are evaluated and reviewed by the Network and TFC Joint Conference Committee based on the following guidelines:

  • Timely or innovative topic
  • Overall quality and well-defined focus and clearly identified outcome objectives
  • Practical application of materials
  • Inclusion of participatory activities

No workshops will be allowed for the purpose of promoting and/or selling any product or company. We encourage workshops that include small group work, brainstorming, roundtable discussions or other networking-type activities. Please provide appropriate handouts for all workshops.

As the committee reviews the proposals, we may request presenters to form panels and we may edit proposal titles or request modifications to descriptions.

CLICK HERE to be directed to the In-person presenter application.

CLICK HERE to be directed to the Virtual presenter application

Deadline for submitting proposals is June 28, 2024.

Conference Theme

The theme for this year’s Conference is “Supporting Families: Working Together to Create Opportunities for All”. With this theme in mind, we are encouraging presenters to create workshops that align with this theme as either the primary focus of the session or with this theme infused in your workshop in some way.

Workshop Formats

The in-person conference will take place October 28-30, 2024. We begin Monday at 1:00 p.m. and end Wednesday at Noon. The Virtual conference will take place November 13-14, 2024. We begin Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. and end Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Sessions for the in-person conference will be either 1 hour and 15 minutes or 2 hours in length. Sessions for the virtual conference will be 1 hour in length. If you feel that 1 hour is not enough time for your virtual topic, please click on the 2-hour option, 2- hour proposals will be split into part 1 and part 2 with a break in between.

Virtual sessions

All workshop sessions will be recorded. Some workshops will be selected to be presented live and recorded during the live session, and many sessions will be pre-recorded without a live presentation and provided to participants for the first time during the conference. The benefits of pre-recording sessions are that technology problems that can happen with live presentations are eliminated, presenters will be able to choose a date and time that works best for them, presenters will have assistance with recording throughout the entire workshop if they choose, and have their presentation edited before it is available for attendees to view.

We plan to make all recorded sessions available to conference participants for a limited period of time after the conference dates.

Possible Workshop Topics

The list of workshop topics below are examples only and we welcome all proposals.

Executives & Managers: What’s Next on the Political Horizon State/Federal, The Future of R&R and AP Programs, Whole Family Services, Diversify Programs, Fund Development, Staff Recruitment/Retention/Changing Workforce/HR/Leadership/Succession Planning, Working with the CCPU (Child Care Providers United Union), Contracts and Budgets/Post pandemic Budgeting, State Reviews, Leadership/Management Supports

Racial and Economic Justice/Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Implicit Bias/Anti-Racism Education and Practices, Disrupting Inequities in ECE, Creating an Anti-Racist and Unbiased Child Care and Early Education System, Language Equity/Supports/Resources, Cultural Sensitivity, Talking About Gender with Children and Parents

Strengthening Families/Trauma Informed Care: Trauma-Informed Care, Parent Involvement and Engagement (Fathers, Grand-Families as Primary Caregivers), Serving Diverse Communities, Solution-oriented/Strength-based Language, Customer Service -More than a Number, Active Listening, Empathy and Professionalism

Promoting Self-care/Wellness: Time Management, Stress Reduction, Work/Life Balance, Learning Styles and Understanding, Support Systems for Staff

AP Administration: Fiscal Trainings, Audits, Need/Eligibility, Supporting Provider Understanding and Payments, Quality Control, Case Management/Digital Case Management, Communicating Program Changes

Working with Providers: Provider Engagement, Title 22 Regulations/Licensing, Responding to Providers Questions Regarding the CCPU, Recruitment/Training, Bilingual Support, Business/Marketing, Shared Services, Supporting Providers with Technology, Engaging/Supporting FFNs, TrustLine and Guardian, Health & Safety/Disaster Preparedness

Building Knowledge in the Child Care Field: Emergency Child Care Bridge Program, Career Pathways/Coaching for ECE, Home Visiting, English Language Learners, Children and Families with Special Needs, Navigating the Child Welfare System, Working with other ECE Partners, Using Data to Plan for Child Care, Maximizing Digital Communication

Working with Children/Emerging Issues: Reimaging a Stronger Child Care System, Economic Impacts Affecting Children, Families and/or Providers, Impacts and planning for UPK, Quality Improvement Activities, Building the Supply of Infant/Toddler Care, Personal Identifiable Information/Security, Technology Advances

Deadline for submitting proposals is June 28, 2024.