February 06, 2024

Let's Work Together to Support Our Young Dual Language Learners!

There is a lady with her son, reading a book in a different language

Join us for a webinar where you can learn concrete strategies to share with your family childcare providers and family, friends, and neighbor caregivers.

The California Child Care Resource & Referral Network, in collaboration with the Language Learning Project (LLP), has adapted the research-based Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) strategies to better support home-based providers, including Family Child Care (FCC) and Family, Friends, and Neighbors (FFN), in meeting the needs of their dual language learners (DLLs).

This webinar is designed to introduce these adapted strategies to trainers, coaches, and administrators in support of their work with home-based providers.
When: March 14th, 10:30 am -12:30 pm
How: Register here, https://form.jotform.com/23346...