July 12, 2024

Evolution of the 2024 State Budget

May Revise Proposed Cuts:

Read the full overview of May Revision cuts here.

Joint Budget Plan Changes:

Read the Joint Budget Plan summaries here and here.

Final Budget Act of 2024

Read the Budget Act of 2024 final summary here.

Child Care Slot Expansion

Indefinitely ‘pauses’ the 200,000 child care slot expansion, limiting the expansion to approximately 119k slots.

Rejects the indefinite pause and instead enacts a two-year pause, with trailer bill language specifying the plan to reach over 200,000 new subsidized slots by 2028.

Also creates reversion accounting for all child care programs.

Codifies the 2021-22 Budget Year agreement to grow the state-subsidized child care system by over 200,000 new children served.

Fulfillment of 200,000 slots delayed until 2028 with legislative intent to resume expansion in 2026-2027.

CCTR Child Care Slots

Rescinds 27,000 slots for the General Child Development Program (CCTR), which were awarded to providers in Spring 2024.

Continues to fund the 11,000 CCTR slots already awarded in Spring 2024.

Fully funds all 11,000 awarded expansion slots from existing child care appropriations, beginning October 1, 2024.

Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program)

Cuts $34.8 million or 40% ongoing from the Bridge Program.

Click here to read a letter the Network signed urging legislators to reject harmful cuts to the Bridge Program.

Rejects cuts and instead adopts budget language to retroactively revert unspent funds to offset General Fund costs.

Total General Fund levels for the Bridge Program will remain $83.4 million ongoing.

Re-appropriates a total of $47 million in Emergency Child Care Bridge funds from 2023- 24 into 2024-25.

Total General Fund levels for Emergency Child Care Bridge remain at $83.4 million ongoing.