CDSS COVID-19 Test Kits Flyers
The CDSS and CDPH are requesting your assistance to provide the following flyers to child care facilities and families, these replace the previous flyer, but the QR code remains the same so people that previously registered or use the old code should not be affected. Due to the large shift to using at home COVID tests, there is an impact on the state's ability to track COVID rates and all help is appreciated. The information helps CDPH to track statewide trends. The flyers are provided by the California Department of Public Health.
- The CA Preschool Child Care Testing QRV1 4.25.22 pdf includes a QR code for parents, ECE staff and providers to report positive tests. This will help guide people who test positive to new treatments and care and has text in English and Spanish.
- At Home COVID-19 Testing in California - What You Need to Know is an information sheet about when and how to test.
English, Spanish, Arabic, Armenian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. - COVID-19 Child Care Resources Information from the CA Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing for child care providers, programs, and parents and families.
- PIN 22-10-CCP - Updated Guidance for Child Care Providers Regarding Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)