September 28, 2020

Nontraditional Hours and Child Care:

An Exploratory Study on the Needs of Families and Child Care Providers in California

Nontraditional Hours and Child Care - Final Report

Many parents in California work outside of the traditional Monday through Friday nine to five schedule. This study used a human-centered design approach to explore the experiences of both parents working nontraditional hours, as well as the child care providers who care for their children.

The report includes results and insights from the surveys, focus groups, and interviews with parents and child care providers throughout California, as well as policy recommendations.



Watch the recording of our webinar

Presented on November 4, 2019 by Gemma DiMatteo, Research Director and Keisha Nzewi, Public Policy Director

Press kit

Nontraditional hours fact sheet

Decline of family child care fact sheet

Voucher utilization fact sheet

2017 California Child Care Portfolio